5 things you can do on Oceans Day that will help protect it

On World Oceans Day, people around our blue planet celebrate and honor our Ocean, which connects us all. At The Plastic Flamingo, our mission is to tackle marine plastic pollution in order to save the oceans from plastic. That is why today is important.

 The oceans provide us oxygen and nurture a huge amount of biodiversity even yet to be discovered.  

Did you know, that there are 226,408 known marine species but there might be as much as 25 million marine species total! It is very important to protect this biodiversity, for the sake of future generations.

 So today, we offer you 5 different ways you can help to save the ocean:

#1 Sign World Ocean Day’s petition


Be part of the action by adding your name for the cause!

Leading scientists worldwide have determined that we need to protect at least 30% of our blue planet by 2030. World Oceans Day joins with many organizations on this important initiative. By signing the petition you are telling world leaders that you want action too! 


#2 Make the decision to work towards a plastic-less or zero-waste lifestyle.


We all know that our way of living has affected the environment in a negative way, overconsumption, single use products, fast life has impacted the level of pollution in the world.

Why not be part of the change today? Start segregating & recycling your plastics, make sustainable choices (buying fewer or no plastic items, seasonal and local food, buying at ethical brands, etc.).

Here are different sources you can find in helping you do so:

-       Zero waste resources (Blogs)

-       Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables (Europe & US, Specific to The Philippines)

-       Sustainable brands (Philippines)

-       The Plaf for plastic recycling.


#3 Increase awareness & Educate yourself & others


Awareness is the first step to change, we found this website that you can use with your kids or friends to educate about the gyres and plastic ocean. Click wherever on the map and see where the plastic will end up due to currents.

 Watch with your friends and family a documentary, we love Blue Planet or Demain!

The Plaf also has an education page where you can find fun videos and useful links to learn more about the plastic & the oceans.


#4 Lower or stop your consumption of fish & marine food.


Overconsumption has threatened marine biodiversity. We definitely should strive to a more sustainable and viable consumption.

 Along with this, we propose you to sign some petition in order to protect marine life:



#5 Go “plogging” today


Plogging is a combination of jogging with picking up litter!

As you may know, any waste that is in the streets or on the ground will eventually end up in the ocean.

So (of course while respecting regulations of your country/ city with Covid 19), why not go out today with gloves , masks and bag and pick up the litter while jogging or walking around your neighborhood?



 Spread awareness by sharing this article & using #WorldOceanDay

François Lesage